• Internship at General Dynamics - Ottawa, Ontario
    May 1st, 2023

    Joined General Dynamics as a Vetronics Software intern. While I was only there for four months, I learned a lot about SoC integration and bringup as well as the benefits and drawbacks to running code in an embedded linux environment.

  • Internship at Teck Resources Limited - Sparwood, BC
    May 4th, 2022

    When I wasn't mountain biking I was working on a high-speed transient detection system with Teck's Mining Systems team.

  • Second fire season with BCWS - Fort Nelson, BC
    Apr 28th, 2021

    My second wildfire season and the first one where things actually happened. During this time I learned two things: 1. Nothing makes one grateful for the modern office environment quite like being stuck in a smokey mosquito infested swamp for sixteen hours and 2. Helicopters and chainsaws are really cool.

  • Started University at UBC
    Sept 6th, 2020

    First year was remote so I didn't even know what the campus looked like until second year.

  • First fire season with BCWS - Vanderhoof, BC
    June 28th, 2020

    Thought it would be cool to be a firefighter. Unfortunately the 2020 season in BC was lacking in fires so I mostly just ended up going for a lot of runs and driving around in the bush.

  • Graduation - Vanderhoof, BC
    June 23rd, 2020

    Won a $20 bet that my last name would get mispronounced as I got called up.